Sunday, July 31, 2011

Eggs and Tater Tots

So I am a huge potato fan, and I am also a huge fan of eggs as well. So I usually have eggs and tater tots every week. It is so good. I do have some heart issues, but I cant deny myself the pleasure of the great taste of eggs and tater tots on a Sunday morning.

So unfortunately it is very unhealthy to have both of these, but I cannot resist them. They are just very good.

I just figured I would let you guys know how much I love them. LOL


Friday, July 29, 2011

Looks like I might reconsider

From the looks of it, I have gotten a decent amount of views the past few days, so I figured I will give you readers another chance to prove to me you are dedicated to my blog. I will continue with it, but if I do not see any form of dedication, then I am closing it down for good.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This is goodbye

I am sorry to my devoted readers that I have to do this, but I am not getting enough views. So I apologize about this, but I am shutting down the blog.

It turns out that you readers are not interested enough in the blog, so I do not see it worth my time to entertain people not looking to be entertained.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Party life and Ultra Music Festival

So I want to start off mentioning that I am a bit disappointed with yesterday's lack of views, but I knew it would happen. I guess yesterday was one of my bad days. So I am not too concerned, but I do want to mention that if I do fail to have a decent enough amount of views a day, then I will drop the blog. So I just thought I would let you guys know that I do need to see views in order for me to feel confident enough that my blog is worth having.

Anyhow, today's topic is going to be about Party life and UMF

Party Life

I want to first talk about party life in essence of of clubs. They are a huge part of today's society and the younger generation. The late teenagers and 20-year olds tend to go to clubs a lot more often than other age groups. The music that tends to play in clubs is based on the type of club, but mainly plays either recent songs, or some kind of Dance music. It is a great atmosphere to be in because it can make a person feel alive. I love it because I am a huge fan of Dance music, and it makes me feel great whenever I hear it.


Ultra Music Festival is probably the greatest, and I can't even stress the word "greatest" enough, experience of my life. I went in 2010 when it was 2-days, but it was still amazing. It was more than amazing actually. The quality of the sound was beyond extraordinary. The music was phenomenal of course because it was a type of music that appealed to me, and there were more artists than I could have possibly gone to and listened to in all the time I was there. If I am ever given the option to go again, I would take it in an instant.

One of the bright sides is that it is located in Miami, which is practically the heart of Dance music in the United States. I am planning on going again in 2012 and am saving up for it already. I would give up so much in order to have that experience I had then even once again. It really is a great experience for those that love any form of Dance music. It offers the whole party experience a person would find in a club, only much more relaxed and more comforting with more space.

It takes up Bicentennial Park and is absolutely huge. There is so much room and the concert has so many different stages for different artists to play at different and same times. There is VIP for some areas, and tons of booths to buy merchandise, water, food, and many other products. The concert offers a lot of music and merchandise and it is definitely an experience not worth missing.

That is it for today's post. I do hope you guys like it and please stay tuned for tomorrow's post. I am starting Wednesday posts to be Q&A's, Advice, Suggestion considerations, and much more related to that. It would require comments of course to survive as a topic like that, but please, and I can't emphasize this enough, please spread this blog to your friends, please comment, follow, and do whatever else you want in order to get it to survive.

Thank you and have a nice day.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Social Networks, and their impact on our lives

So today I was on my way to school, and I could not help but remember how addicted I am to checking Facebook all the time. I ended up deciding that Facebook is a perfect topic for today's blog post, and I realized that there were multiple social networking sites that have affected our lives. So I chose to do the blog on all networking sites I know of and their effects.

Turns out that there are many networking sites on the internet, and some that people may not consider as networking sites, actually are.

Here is a list of just a few Networking websites:


That list is only a few of the social networking sites on the internet at the moment. Some of which don't seem like social networking sites, but absolutely are.

So before I continue, I would like to pose a question to my readers:

"How many of these websites I posted do you go on daily, and how long approximately each day do you spend on them?"

If you would like, you can answer in the comments section, however, I do ask that you simply just think about the question and at least answer it to yourself. I know because of personal experience with my own addiction to Facebook. I spend tons of time on it each day, and I am aware I need to slow down, but there is a problem and it is an addiction.

Each of these sites poses a problem to our society, because it causes the new generation to be more into the computer and less social. I mean I know we are a partying generation, but we also are on our computers a lot to keep in touch with friends.

I can understand why we do it, but is that reason enough for us not to lower the amount of time spent on it? Just think about this, and if you would like, comment in the comments box about it. I would love to hear your opinions.

That is all I have for today.
Thank you for reading, and have a nice day. Tune in tomorrow for when I will cover multiple topics regarding party life.


Friday, July 22, 2011

News Day - Movie "Sicko" and Heat Wave across the U.S.

Today's news will be about a movie I saw that deals with Global Health Care issues, and the Heat Wave across the U.S.


So I saw a movie this week in school for my Sociology class called "Sicko." This movie was about issues with the Health Care in the United States, and although I am not one to be swept by a movie, I thought this was ridiculous. It was talking about how Health care companies tend to deny many claims for health insurance, or pay for operations to even those that do have health insurance. I found this to be absolutely ridiculous and I felt the need to add it in my post for today.

The reason I did not put it in yesterday's post was because although it was a movie, it was more of a news related topic, so I chose to do it for today's post. Well the person who does the movie, (Michael Moore), covers the basis of many different locations around the world as well as how it is here in the U.S.

He shows how even if the insurance companies don't see a reason to deny your claim, they have someone look into the medical history of the person so that they can find something they can use against the person. They would use this tiny detail to prevent the person from getting the operation or hospital bills covered.

I found this to be very discouraging and I knew I had to share it. I am glad he made this movie, and I am personally shocked at the results of other locations around the globe and their health care in comparison to the health care in the U.S. I won't say much more because I do recommend you watch it.

Heat Wave

As I was watching one of the news shows by Sxephil, he mentioned a heat wave in the U.S. which I figured I should talk about. I considered it would be a good idea because I have definitely been feeling a lot hotter this past week, but thought it was nothing, but then when he mentioned it, I was really shocked that I didn't hear anything about it previously.

According to Turkish Press, the country has been overwhelmed by the heat and even Northern states are getting it higher than normal. In Portland, Maine it was 89 degrees and it felt like 100 degrees to them. The heat wave has gotten so bad that it even took the lives of approximately 22 people, and from the looks of it, it seems to not be getting any better.

Anyhow, that is all I have for today, please have a nice day everyone, and enjoy your weekend.



Thursday, July 21, 2011

(Thursday's Temp Post) Big news about blog, and some reviews

(So right now it is only a temporary post, and I will be editing it in a few hours, but I am posting for now to let you know I am still here. Sorry my recent posts have not been mid day like earlier posts, but I have been very busy lately with school. I hate term papers and tests, but I gotta get them done.

Shhh, really was playing my video game.

Anyhow, that is all it is for now, full Thursday review up in a few hours.


So last night I got a comment on yesterday's post from "Anonymous #3" and he/she mentioned something that gave me an idea, so I want to credit this person for being the founder of Wednesday permanent topic. This means that Wednesday is not going to be a "free-post" just like Thursday and Friday isn't.

Wednesday's will be Q&A and Advice topic. If you are having any problems, or you have any questions, I will address them in Wednesday posts. So make sure you keep them coming, or Wednesday's wont have posts unfortunately.


1. White Collar


1. Inception

White Collar

I find this show to be very interesting and very thrilling and suspenseful. I love Matt Bomer's character Neal Caffrey and I think he plays him very well. The show is about a very good conman named Neal Caffrey (Matt Bomer) that eventually gets caught by the FBI agent Peter Burke (Tim Dekay), and was supposed to serve 4 years in a prison in NY. The show takes place and gets filmed in NY, so if you are ever there, keep your eyes peeled, you might see them at some point. Caffrey strikes a deal with Burke to let him go early, but he will be on an anklet and be under Burke's custody. Caffrey is a consultant for Burke's White Collar crime unit and the show revolves around Caffrey.

It is a great show, in its third season, I love this show, one of my favorites, and it is still going strong on USA. New episodes on USA at 9 P.M. Check it out.


So I watched this movie a few days following its release to theaters, then watched it again with another friend of mine a few days afterwards, and a third time at home with Netflix. Yes, it is that good of a movie. It is one of those movies though that invoke your brain to think. Many people mentioned it was going to be hard to understand the first time through, but I have experience thinking the way that the movie makes you think.

I do have to mention I did have to think a little bit extra, but it truly was a fantastic movie that reserves even more critical acclaim that it did. Trust me, it got a lot of great reviews, and I would no doubt suggest this movie to everyone. There was a lot of work put into the making of this movie from what I heard, and I will not be one to doubt it based on how advanced it seemed. The movie tends to follow a lot about dreams, and the mind, and is very complicated if you do not have previous experience understanding those 2 concepts.

However, I will suggest this movie to everyone that loves a good thriller, action, or comedy because this movie incorporated all of those into it.

That is it for Thursday's entertainment review for the week. I hope you guys liked it, and please do not forget to leave feedback, comments, suggestions, and questions in the comments box and let me know what you think. Please involve your own opinions on the television show and movie if you have feedback. I would love to hear it.

Have a nice day readers, and I apologize for the delay in today's post.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Apology, Video game, today's agenda, and Sxephil

I want to start off today's post actually apologizing for my lack of attentiveness today. It was a very busy day today including school, my video game, some personal issues, and other parts that is included in today's agenda.

I was busy playing a video game from after I woke up from my nap today, approximately 4 P.M. I woke up, and started playing for quite a few hours. The game is called Spiral Knights and it is a free to play game on Steam. Ever since I got invited to play the game, I got addicted to it about 10 minutes in, even though I thought it was going to suck. (How's that for ironic). I started playing the game constantly and enjoyed it since then, and I woke up from my nap today and played it.

Today's agenda:

Video Game
T.V. show catching up
more Video Game

I took a three hour long nap today, and let me be one to say, "they do a person good." I can't remember the last time I took a nap and actually felt bad for doing so afterwards. They are one of the greatest things ever conceived.

Lastly, in a previous post, the credits post, I referenced someone's Youtube account by the name of Sxephil. He was one of the inspirations I had for starting up the Blog, and I am subscribed to his channel because I love hearing his opinions on things going on in the news. He is very funny, and he posts a new show every weekday.

So I figured I should suggest him to you in this particular post, and you should seriously check it out.

But anyhow, that is all I have for you today. Please keep posted until tomorrow, follow my blog, comment in the comments, suggest topics, refer people, and check out his Youtube page.


Edit: I want reference to Anonymous that asked me a bunch of questions, I answered them if you are interested in seeing my answer.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Final blog introduction, Possible surprises in future, and me being quite excited

I figured I am going to inform you guys a little more about how the blog will work. Due to the fact that I have absolutely no topics for today, still hoping some of you will comment with some topic suggestions, I am going to make Thursday posts entertainment related, just like Friday is news related.

I do not know exactly whether or not I will put a specific subject on Wednesday posts, however, if I get many topic suggestions in the comments, then most likely in order to accommodate them, I will make Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday posts what I call "free-posts." Basically posts that do not have a specified subject to them and are based on suggested topics. I can only do this however if I get suggestions, so I do encourage you to comment stating some topic suggestions you may have and want me to talk about.

If all goes well, and this blog really takes off like I am hoping, then I will be able to have surprises for you guys in the near future. If however it does not take off quickly, then the surprises will have to wait for quite some time.

Anyhow, I want to mention thank you to all of you readers because I know that I will not even be putting up this post had it not been for the take off on my first blog post day. I came across about 50-60 views in my first day and I found it to be quite impressive, and seeing my views go all the way to almost 300 by today, I still feel the need to continue posting. So thanks to you guys, I am actually posting still 5 days later. If this keeps up, and I really see a tremendous increase in views, I might even start up the surprises I have planned.

I noticed as well that I have views of my blog from places I would have never expected, and I cannot begin to tell you how much that means to me. Having views, although still little amount, from around the globe already has really made me confident in my ability to make this blog as best as it can be. And possibly even better if given the chance.

Please understand that unless requested, I will not be mentioning anything personal about my life, except for opinions on anything I post or people ask about. Also, my exact location will never be disclosed in my posts due to possible safety measures, and a sense of anonymity, (I am sure some of you know what I mean by wanting that). I also would like to point out that if I do personally know you, please do not post this information, and if I do not know you, please do not request such information that will put me in an uncomfortable position.

I will however, if asked of course, post my beliefs on anything, and everything. Any subject you have that you want me to talk about and include my beliefs about, if it is appropriate for the general public, then I will speak about it and lay down my views, and beliefs.

I want to close my post for today with 3 things:

1. Please post topic suggestions so I have things to talk about in future posts.
2. Please follow my blog so you get the full update of my posts as soon as they happen
3. At the beginning of every post from here on out, I will post a rating of my blog for the audience it will be approved for. Sometimes my post may contain a topic unsuitable for people of certain age groups, so I will put a warning of it at the top. I will also mention the topics of higher age requirements lower on the post so this way previous topics that are suitable for lower age groups will still be readable and the reader will know when to stop.

Thank you everyone. I hope you all have a nice day.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Harry Potter 7 Box Office, Friend's FB page, and International news

Harry Potter 7 Box Office

So since I viewed the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 movie, I have wanted to know what it was going to make in opening weekend. Turns out they only update it on Rotten Tomatoes after the weekend is over. Makes sense right? Well I checked it this morning, and for a movie to make $168M in its opening weekend is pretty high if you ask me.

I was truly impressed. I knew the movie was going to hit over $100M its opening weekend, but I had not clue it would be that high. According to the Wikipedia article, the budget shared with Part 1 of Deathly Hallows, which is decently under double of what they made from opening weekend, is $250M.

Friends Facebook Page

So a friend of mine has a Facebook page named, "1 million 'likes' and my wife has agreed to call our baby Harry Potter," and I have agreed to help him promote it. It would be cool to have this page hit 1 million 'likes', so if you guys want, check it out, and 'like' the page.

International News

So what kind of a blog would this be if I didn't impose some of today's issues every now and then also to keep everyone up to date with facts? Not a good one I am guessing. So I figured I would talk about global issues once a week, and I will just cover what goes on in that week. I decided to start it off today, but I will also cover it on Friday. So be ready to expect some global issues on Friday posts.

Today I will cover Gas prices and Interpol Red Notice. Every week for International issues I will try to cover the same basis of topics. For instance, economically related, international affairs related, and casualty related. I will of course have variations, but I will try to keep a specific set of topics to follow, and keep you all updated on weekly issues going on globally, and of course, nationally.

Gas Prices

So this morning, I couldn't help but notice that the gas prices are slowly rising again. Do not fret though, it does not seem to me that its a big change, only a few cents. It was close to $3.55-$3.60 late June and early July, yet it seems to have gone back up to approximately $3.70 per gallon. I am guessing that it will stay approximately at that price for another month, and then go down a little again to $3.60.

Interpol Red Notice and Shahram Homayoun

According to CNN's Libby Lewis, "If taunting were a crime, Shahram Homayoun would certainly have to plead guilty." Quoted from an article CNN's Libby Lewis wrote about the 'accused terrorist' and Interpol's "Red Notice".

She mentions that Homayoun fled Iran to Los Angeles in 1992 and started up his own Satellite Television Station, "to beam a message of civil resistance into the homes of Iranians." A "Red Notice" was issued for his arrest in 2009. For anyone who does not know what a "Red Notice" is, it is "an international wanted notice put out by Interpol on behalf of a country seeking a fugitive."

At first glance at this article, it seems as if he is truly a 'terrorist.' However, if the podcast by her is heard, you will realize that he is not actually doing anything wrong, he is only promoting information about Iran to Iranians in Los Angeles. As the article starts out, "If taunting were a crime, Shahram Homayoun would certainly have to plead guilty."

That is it for today's post. Please stay updated for upcoming posts, and please be sure to leave comments, future topic suggestions, viewpoints, and opinions in the comments area.


Thank you for tuning in to today's blog post, and stay tuned for tomorrow's. Surprises coming in the near future.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Credits and Harry Potter 7 Part 2 Review

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows "BOOK SPOILERS!"

So I figured I would start off my second post with credits to all those that got me into creating my own blog. I felt it seemed necessary to do near the beginning of my blog, and that it only seemed right. I will also mention my review on the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 for those that are fans of the series. But I shall get to that later.

In terms of credits:

The main person I would like to thank for me starting up my own blog is someone by the name of
Phillip DeFranco. He runs a Youtube channel, and the link to his channel is,

He has a "news show" every weekday on a few topics that recently happened in the news. I suggest checking it out because it is funny what he says, and he is pretty good. He was the main reason I started my blog.

I would also like to thank Christina Grimmie, (Zeldaxlove64), who has a Youtube channel where she does covers of many songs. She recently got her album on Itunes because she has many supporters and she is absolutely amazing. I love her album and she had it hit the #4 album on Itunes within the 2 days after it came out.

Here is a link to her Youtube channel. Please check it out,

The final reason I started up my blog was due to some references Barney Stinson, (Neil Patrick Harris), makes in the show "How I Met Your Mother" to his blog. It is one of my favorite T.V. shows and I will eventually do a post about it. However, he also had an influence on my decision to make a blog.

And the final person I would like to thank, although it was only a small influence on my decision considering it happened right before I created my blog, he still had an influence and I want to thank Chris Brogan for it.
I was linked to this article when I was deciding what to do my blog about, and this article came up:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows "BOOK" Spoilers! Do not read on if you plan on reading it, do read on if you want my review of the movie. I will not be discussing movie spoilers, but things in the book will be mentioned.

I want to start off saying, "Do not watch this unless you have watched Part 1." It is imperative that you understand that. Another thing I would like to mention, is that the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises was in the previews, and it was amazing. Felt I needed to mention that.

To start off my review, I want to mention that they really did a good job with the graphics. There was such a beauty to the scenes that I could not even begin to understand how great of a job they did.

The characters really were portrayed greatly by the actors and actresses, and I have to say that even with the humor they put into it, the characters were played very well.

My personal favorite characters were Bellatrix and Severus, and they really portrayed their parts well.
Their was an amazing scene, and I have to say i loved the pensieve scene. Favorite scene of them all.

That is my review, I hope you guys liked it, and please stay tuned for Monday's post.

Thank you, and have a nice day.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Introduction to my Blog

Dear readers and Future readers,

I would like to start off my blog with an introduction to it. Due to the fact that I am new to the blogging community as I like to call it, it may take some time for me to get used to it. So if you have any questions, please make sure to post them and I will answer as many as I can or feel are appropriate in the following post.

Now to introduce my blog and how it will work:

1. Every weekday I will try my best to post a new topic.
2. I will take suggestions for following posts as comments after each posting.
3. Any questions I find necessary to answer, most of them if not inappropriate, I will answer at the end of the post.
4. All posts that were suggested topics from a comment, I will credit the suggester of the post in the bottom of the post right before answers.
5. At the time being, my blog posts will be reviews on T.V. shows, and episodes of that week. I also might once in a while dedicate it to a few movies I had seen either recently or a while back.
6. Anything that mentions "TBU" is to represent "To Be Updated."
7. Lastly, "I WILL" read every single comment posted as long as it does not get deleted somehow.

Well that is it for my first post as I am trying to get used to it, but I am taking suggestions as well.

Thank you for reading my blog post, and have a nice day.
