I figured I am going to inform you guys a little more about how the blog will work. Due to the fact that I have absolutely no topics for today, still hoping some of you will comment with some topic suggestions, I am going to make Thursday posts entertainment related, just like Friday is news related.
I do not know exactly whether or not I will put a specific subject on Wednesday posts, however, if I get many topic suggestions in the comments, then most likely in order to accommodate them, I will make Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday posts what I call "free-posts." Basically posts that do not have a specified subject to them and are based on suggested topics. I can only do this however if I get suggestions, so I do encourage you to comment stating some topic suggestions you may have and want me to talk about.
If all goes well, and this blog really takes off like I am hoping, then I will be able to have surprises for you guys in the near future. If however it does not take off quickly, then the surprises will have to wait for quite some time.
Anyhow, I want to mention thank you to all of you readers because I know that I will not even be putting up this post had it not been for the take off on my first blog post day. I came across about 50-60 views in my first day and I found it to be quite impressive, and seeing my views go all the way to almost 300 by today, I still feel the need to continue posting. So thanks to you guys, I am actually posting still 5 days later. If this keeps up, and I really see a tremendous increase in views, I might even start up the surprises I have planned.
I noticed as well that I have views of my blog from places I would have never expected, and I cannot begin to tell you how much that means to me. Having views, although still little amount, from around the globe already has really made me confident in my ability to make this blog as best as it can be. And possibly even better if given the chance.
Please understand that unless requested, I will not be mentioning anything personal about my life, except for opinions on anything I post or people ask about. Also, my exact location will never be disclosed in my posts due to possible safety measures, and a sense of anonymity, (I am sure some of you know what I mean by wanting that). I also would like to point out that if I do personally know you, please do not post this information, and if I do not know you, please do not request such information that will put me in an uncomfortable position.
I will however, if asked of course, post my beliefs on anything, and everything. Any subject you have that you want me to talk about and include my beliefs about, if it is appropriate for the general public, then I will speak about it and lay down my views, and beliefs.
I want to close my post for today with 3 things:
1. Please post topic suggestions so I have things to talk about in future posts.
2. Please follow my blog so you get the full update of my posts as soon as they happen
3. At the beginning of every post from here on out, I will post a rating of my blog for the audience it will be approved for. Sometimes my post may contain a topic unsuitable for people of certain age groups, so I will put a warning of it at the top. I will also mention the topics of higher age requirements lower on the post so this way previous topics that are suitable for lower age groups will still be readable and the reader will know when to stop.
Thank you everyone. I hope you all have a nice day.
Can you please comment on the increasing number of blogs that simply fill the web with garbage? As a serious and well-respected blogger, do you sense that trash of this sort dilutes your message, and if so, to what extent?
ReplyDeleteI've been looking to set up my own blog. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself, how you got into this, and how it has had a meaningful effect on your personal life?
I would first like to mention that I do not know how to reply to your comment for you to get this comment, but I will post at the bottom of today's post to check this answer just in case.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, I'll start off by mentioning that I do not think I am a well-respected blogger yet. I only have 300 or so views so far, and I believe that a blogger would need a lot more comments, views, posts, and active days before being considered a "well-respected" blogger.
Besides that, I do not want to talk bad about other people and their blogs, mainly due to the fact that I haven't read more than probably 5 Blogs in total, so I do not consider myself to be the appropriate person to judge someone else's blog. I do believe however that you are right, and that there are many blogs that are garbage considering the high amount of blogs on the Internet.
I do not think these blogs dilute my message, but rather promote it as a matter of fact due to the constant places that my blog can have traffic from. Also, more worldviews and opinions there are, the more opinions will be stated.
I do wish you luck on writing your own blog, but I do give a single bit of advice to guaranteed follow. If you are setting a goal and specifics of the blog, do not go back on it. For instance, I set mine at 5 posts a week and possible surprises inthe future. "Your word is your bond." That is basically how it should be.
I do not care what people think of me, which has given methe advantage of not getting hurt by stupid things people will say. I thank myself for not getting into it following my high school graduation and it has been like that since. I love music and would go nuts without it. As a matter of fact, listening to my iPhone while typing this up on it.
I got into blogging for multiple reasons that you can find on my second post. And it has had an effect on me that I need to stay true to my readers, and that I owe them what I promised and I believe it will help me later in life as well.
Future surprises
ReplyDeleteI wonder what they could be
Super excited
All I can say is you will have to wait around to see, and the more views I get, with more suggestions, comments, and followers will make it happen quicker.
ReplyDeleteBlog post for today wont be for another couple hours btw.