Sunday, June 17, 2012

Zazzle and return of the blog

Dear readers,

I just found out about this great new website called It is pretty much an online shop for different shirts, mugs, posters, and all that other type of merchandise. Well I wanted to use this post for two reasons. I wanted to inform  everyone that I will try my best to get back to posting. Also, I wanted to let everyone know what a great website this is as well.

Topic #1: I understand I have not been involved with this blog for many months now, and I do apologize for that, however, I promise to try my best to get back into posting about once a week now. I do request that after each blog post, you comment saying anything you want me to post about in a future post. I also love it when you all post comments stating how you feel about the blog post and any suggestions you end up having.
It makes me feel very happy and know that you all care.

Topic #2: I used Zazzle a while back to purchase a shirt that I might never have found anywhere else not online because Zazzle sells custom shirts. It is truly a great website if you are looking for a specific type of product and design to purchase because most likely, Zazzle has someone selling it.
That is the other thing I wanted to mention. Zazzle allows you to sell your own designs on the website as products, and you can make money off of it. For instance, if you have designed some sort of picture that you think is cool, your best bet is to post it up on Zazzle, though it takes about a few hours or so to get it just right, and when someone purchases that product, you make royalty on it. I personally created a design the other day and posted it to Zazzle with the hopes that it might sell.

Either way, let me know what you all think about Zazzle if you check it out. I will be back next Sunday with yet another post.

Chances are I might post either late Sunday or late Saturday because I am not sure how my schedule is each week. However, this time I will attempt to stay focused on keeping this blog updated.


P.S. - Starting next week, I will be posting a quote of the week at the bottom of the post, along with a personal phrase I have. The personal phrase will always be there, and be the same, but the quote will be different each week. I would love for you to tell me as well how you like this idea.

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