Sunday, July 22, 2012

Random rant about Internet website issues

I want to make this post simply regarding a simple hatred I have for what is going on with different websites. 


As you may have noticed, I mentioned the 3 top used websites on the web. Or at least I think they are. 

You may recall that a few years ago, about half a decade if I am not mistaken, Youtube was bought out by Google. This was only 1 step closer to Google's domination over the Internet. Yes, this is going to happen if Google continues at this rate. 

Well these past 2 or so days I have been having issues with Youtube and its "REPLY" button. Anytime I go to click "reply" to reply to a comment, I cannot do it. The reply screen does not come up anymore for me. And as it so happens, to my utter shock, it isn't just me. Though I do not know why I am shocked, as this is GOOGLE we are talking about. 

Do you remember the Yellow Subscribe button? I know I do. Those were the good old days of Youtube. Where bugs on the site were not common, and when they were, they would get fixed in the matter of a week. Where advertisements were not even on our mind. Where we had a completely different channel layout, and video layout. Where there was a home page to choose from Entertainment, News, Music, Gaming, and anything else you wanted. Do you remember it? I sure as hell miss it. This control Google is getting is anything BUT in control. Which brings me to my next topic. GOOGLE.

GOOGLE has been with the Internet for longer than I can remember. I am pretty sure though that anyone back in Sept. 4, 1998 no one could have possibly imagined what GOOGLE would become. Look at it now though. It owns YOUTUBE. Who knows what else it owns. However, either way, Google has been screwing up many things about 1 of my favorite websites. Youtube. The design on Google+ is still something I am getting used to, but either way, it is too much for me. I am glad I got out of Facebook, that website is a completely different story. I was hesitant to even get into it in the first place until I was told a friend of mine from Elementary School was on it and I hadn't spoken to her in so long. 

What do you guys think? Is the new Youtube good? Not good? Better or worse than old Youtube? And opinions on Facebook and Google as well. 

Gdamatov77, signing off.

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