Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Something about movies

I want to take the time from my normal blog to post something I realized about movies.

Have you ever wanted to know why majority of movies ended in a "happy ending"? Why almost every single time, the boy gets the girl or vice versa, the bad guy ends up in jail, the hero of the movie gets rewarded, the boy who went through a horrible childhood managed to come out on top in the end, or even when someone you have come to love in the movie dies, some magic wish brings him/her back to life?

There is a simple answer. Yes everyone, the reason that movies are still showing the happy ending is because unfortunately, that is what people want to see. Do you think it is a coincidence a movie is determined to do well before it even gets released? That there are critics for movies?

It is all to keep the movies in a constant flow of good and bad. You cannot have a good movie without at least having 3 bad ones. Do you think opinion has ever TRULY mattered in the world of media?

Critics give their reviews because they are paid to. Do you think a critic will waste his/her time on a movie if he truly did not want to see it based on the trailer? They get paid to see movies. What happens when a critic says something bad about a movie? It goes on Rotten Tomatoes. What happens when a critic says something good about a movie? It goes on Rotten Tomatoes.

Have you ever realized that majority of the movies that end in something good, end up being rated well also? Every once in a while a movie with something terrible happening in the end, will end up being good. I will not deny that. However, it seems that the majority of the viewers would prefer to have a movie end in a happy ending than not. It gives them hope for a better life. Makes them think that even if they are struggling in their life, they can still get through it. Why? All because 2 Hours of their time and $10 of their money helped them realize what a friend could have told them for 5 minutes of their time and $0 of their money.

So what do we have movies for if we have friends who can save us that money and time? Well, movies are there for us to escape the reality of our lives and live in someone else's. Ever get scared from a horror film, ask the person to not open the closet when in the deep recesses of your mind you knew they couldnt hear you? Ever get so happy when the girl got the guy in the end, or upset when the guy or girl ended up being a celebrity crush of yours? That when the favorite character in the film, the best friend, ended up dying? Happy when the "teddy bear" came back to life from a wish? Referencing the new movie Ted from that one. Or even in a comedy how you just couldn't help but to imagine you might have said that joke before?

Movies are what I like to think of as an escape from reality. There is no harm in them, or at least that is not the message I am trying to get across. I am simply trying to say that movies are required in our world. If you had no movies in your life anymore, and you had to go through life without ever seeing a movie again or knowing anymore movies existed, would you be happy?

The real question is, can you actually imagine that happening? Most likely your answer is no. Movies are one with humanity, and will most likely stay with us until our extinction. So the next time you watch a happy movie, just think to yourself, I wonder how this movie would be if the girl did not get the guy in the end. Or if you are watching a horror film, try to hold back from telling the girl to not walk down to the basement when the lights all went off in the house and she heard a weird noise down there. I am pretty sure if it happened to you, you would not be so dumb as to go to the spot where the noise is coming from. Would you?

Gdamatov77, signing off.

Most likely a post about Music in our life will be next.

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